CECU Partners with QASPIR to offer new Professional Development service to members

CECU | Career Education Colleges and Universities
May 11, 2021
Arlington, Va. — Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the QASPIR (Quality Assurance Strategic Planning Institutional Research) to offer professional development opportunities to its members.
The MoU aims to enhance collaboration between the two organizations and to leverage QASPIR’s professional development platform Qedex. The partnership will broaden the scope of professional development offerings to CECU members and provide a diverse range of hybrid and online training programs geared towards career education institutions. The MoU also calls for strengthening cooperation through mutually promoting each party’s offerings, webinars and other networking events.
Mr. Stuart Blacklock, CEO of QASPIR, shared, “Our partnership with CECU comes very naturally as both our organizations provide complementing services. It comes when professional development is becoming more accepted as a way to improve how students learn and improve institutional performance. With our focus on leadership, faculty and staff professional development through our platform Qedex, combined with CECUs commitment to supporting their member’s institutions, we can offer a unique and compelling opportunity. We both believe an institution is only as good as its people, and with both CECU and QASPIRs strong reputation, we will continue to assist institutions in their pursuit of improved student learning, retention and graduation.” Kelley Blanchard, Senior Vice President of Professional Development & Engagement of CECU stated, “We are thrilled to partner with QASPIR to expand our professional development offerings to members. This collaboration comes at a time when our institutions are navigating transitions back to the classroom while continuing to develop and enhance hybrid learning. Our institution leaders and instructors are charged with the training and development of our students and CECU is proud to offer this new partnership to invest in their professional development.“
Qedex is a unique platform whose vision is equitable , accessible, and affordable professional development in higher education. With this partnership, CECU members can enroll their instructors and staff at a specially agreed rate that provides unlimited access to courses over a one-year period. Qedex will be adding hundreds of courses over the next three years focusing on leadership as well as faculty and staff development. With institutions joining from all around the world, it is clear that affordability of professional development is a global challenge that creates several barriers to career development. Qedex is rethinking professional development and is rapidly becoming the champion of equal opportunities for all in faculty and staff.
Please direct media inquiries to Rachel Tripp, Director of Communications, at Rachel.Tripp@career.org
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