Breaking News: New ASR Deadline for 2020

The Department of Education is extending the date for institutions to distribute their Annual Security Reports (ASRs) and Annual Fire Safety Reports (AFSRs) to required recipients to December 31, 2020.
The Department understands that postsecondary institutions and their students continue to face challenges because of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This guidance provides additional regulatory flexibilities in accordance with President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 on March 13, 2020 and the authority provided to the Secretary of Education in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Pub. L. No. 116-136, signed by the President on March 27, 2020. We will continue to provide additional guidance on our COVID-19 webpage as needed.
Campus and Fire Safety (34 CFR 668.41(e), 668.46(b), and 668.49(b))
The Department is extending the date for institutions to distribute their Annual Security Reports (ASRs) and Annual Fire Safety Reports (AFSRs) to required recipients to December 31, 2020. We encourage institutions to distribute their reports on the normal schedule if possible.
Additionally, the annual crime and fire statistics survey will now be open from November 18, 2020 through January 14, 2021. If you need assistance with the survey, please call the Campus Safety Help Desk at 1-800-435-5985 or by email at
The Department encourages schools to take appropriate steps to ensure the health and safety of their students and employees, to continue to act in accordance with their campus safety policies and procedures, and to advise the campus community about changing conditions that may affect their safety or any major changes to safety policies or practices.