CECU’s Statement on the Biden Administration’s Final 90/10 Rule

Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU)
Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) issued new final regulations on the 90/10 rule – an accountability metric applied only to proprietary institutions.
“The 90/10 rule set by Congress is an ineffective measure of quality that focuses on a student’s ability to pay rather than willingness to pay. Although we disagree with this flawed metric, we commend the Department for publishing final regulations that conform in substance to the language approved by negotiators earlier this year, despite some modification to the language dealing with how revenue from income share agreements is treated,” said CECU’s President and CEO, Dr. Jason Altmire. “We look forward to engaging with the Department to assist institutions in better understanding their legal and regulatory obligations and to ensure a smooth, efficient implementation of the changes.”
About Career Education Colleges and Universities
Career Education Colleges and Universities (CECU) is the national association serving the proprietary higher education sector.
Please direct media inquiries to Jenny Faubert, Vice President of Communications, at Jenny.Faubert@career.org.
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