Curry College Guarantees Graduates Will Be Employed

Inside Higher Ed
Sara Weissman
April 22, 2024
Jay Gonzalez is promising students they’ll have a job within six months of graduation as one of his first major acts as a president of Curry College, a small private institution in Massachusetts.
The “Curry Commitment” program will start next fall with the current freshman class. Under the new initiative, students who don’t get a job offer or who are not accepted to a graduate or professional school within the six-month period, will have the option of the college paying their student loans for up to a year, placing them in a yearlong paid internship at an organization connected to their field of study while they work with a career counselor, or covering the cost of six graduate course credits at Curry if admitted to a program.
Students must opt into the program to qualify and participate in related activities, such as career advising, career preparation workshops and assignments such as submitting draft résumés and cover letters. They also must maintain an annual GPA of at least 2.8, declare a major by their junior year and graduate within four years.
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