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Educators Team Up to Respond to Sudden Rise of ChatGPT

Educators Team Up to Respond to Sudden Rise of ChatGPT


Jeffrey R. Young
May 11, 2023
This article is part of the guide: For Education, ChatGPT Holds Promise — and Creates Problems.
Educators around the world are shifting into learning and organizing mode in response to the release of ChatGPT and other new AI chatbots that have brought a mix of excitement and panic to education.
In the past few weeks, education groups, schools and colleges have teamed up to offer resources for educators and draft policy papers in response to the sudden rise of so-called generative AI tools, chatbots that can compose answers to questions that sound like they are written by a human.
Perhaps the largest of these efforts is TeachAI, a quickly-convened partnership of major education groups including the World Economic Forum, National Association of State Boards of Education, National School Boards Association,, Educational Testing Service, Khan Academy and ISTE (EdSurge is an independent newsroom that shares a parent organization with ISTE. Learn more about EdSurge ethics and policies here and supporters here.); education ministries including those in Brazil, Germany, Kenya, Malaysia, South Korea and the U.K.; and tech companies building AI tools, including Amazon, Microsoft, and OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT.
The group plans to produce reports and guidelines for using AI in education; make policy recommendations for incorporating AI in school curriculum standards, courses, tools, assessments, and professional learning; and establish a global framework for computer-science curriculum that includes AI.
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