Ransomware Attacks Against Higher Ed Increase

Inside Higher Ed
Susan D’Agostino
July 22, 2022
“You can collect that money in a couple of hours,” a ransomware hacker’s representative wrote in a secure June 2020 chat with a University of California, San Francisco, negotiator about the $3 million ransom demanded. “You need to take us seriously. If we’ll release on our blog student records/data, I’m 100% sure you will lose more than our price what we ask.”
The university later paid $1.14 million to gain access to the decryption key.
Colleges and universities worldwide experienced a surge in ransomware attacks in 2021, and those attacks had significant operational and financial costs, according to a new report from Sophos, a global cybersecurity leader. The survey included 5,600 IT professionals, including 410 from higher education, across 31 countries. Though most of the education victims succeeded in retrieving some of their data, few retrieved all of it, even after paying the ransom.
“The nature of the academic community is very collegial and collaborative,” said Richard Forno, assistant director of the University of Maryland Baltimore County Center for Cybersecurity. “There’s a very fine line that universities and colleges have to walk between facilitating academic research and education and maintaining strong security.”
That propensity of colleges to share openly and widely can make the institutions susceptible to attacks.
Nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of ransomware attacks on higher ed institutions succeeded. Hackers’ efforts in other sectors were not as fruitful, including in business, health care and financial services, where respectively 68 percent, 61 percent and 57 percent of attacks succeeded. For this reason, cybercriminals may view colleges and universities as soft targets for ransomware attacks, given their above-average success rate in encrypting higher education institutions’ data. Despite high-profile ransomware attacks such as one in 2020 that targeted UC San Francisco, higher ed institutions’ efforts to protect their networks continued to fall short in 2021.
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